Some customers would like to have a receipt for the items they are returning. This applies to all locations whether you use self check or not. We will always print a check in receipt for them if they make this request.
In Horizon
In the CKI window, click the Clear button so no items are showing.
Check in all of the requested items.
Press F11 to print the receipt.
**As of 2/2018, Horizon CKI receipts may not have the customer's name on them. This is due to a bug in Horizon 7.5.127 which may crash Horizon when pressing F11 for a receipt. When we upgrade to a newer version of Horizon this bug should hopefully be fixed. This does not affect Self Check (CircIt) check in receipts.
In Self Check
Change the screen to Check In.
Place the items on the pad and/or wand them in as appropriate.
Click Done. A receipt will print automatically.
rev. 2/2018