Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Phone Codes in Borrower Registration

Horizon offers the following options for coding the patron's phone number in their record.

h.................. Home
h-no............ Home, No Telephone notices
m.................Mobile, with Telephone notices SMS
m-no............Mobile, No telephone notices SMS
o..................Other, with telephone notices
o-no............Other, No telephone notices

Here's a few tips on when to use what code:

> If the option doesn't say "No Telephone notices", then that option uses Telecirc to notify patrons about holds/overdues. (h, m, and o all provide the patron with Telecirc notice service.)  If SMS text messaging is enabled these notifications are via SMS (see entry "SMS text messaging" for indepth information)

> No land line, but the patron wants to receive their notices by phone? Use m - Mobile with TeleCirc allowed, do not enable SMS

> A business phone, message phone or other phone contact should use one of the o options.

rev. 1/2020