Thursday, April 28, 2016

New ATTN block when you need to see customer about their acct

A new ATTN block has been added to Horizon that can be applied to a borrower's account when staff needs to talk to them regarding their account (i.e. DVD case turned in without the DVD; library card left at desk, etc.) It prevents the customer from checking out at self check. The language on the block will say "Problem with account, contact library staff for specifics." Make sure the note you include with the block describes the issue so any staff member can resolve the question/problem.

Many branches have been using the Address Correction Request (ACR) block for this purpose. Bad idea. Using the ACR block stops any future printed or email notices from being generated for that customer for holds, overdues and lost items, and therefore should not be used for anything other than an address correction.  Click here for more information. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Proper Use of Address Correction Request Block

The Address Correction Request block should only be used when the customer's address is incorrect and needs to be updated. 

Do NOT use the 'acr' block for any other reason. 

Why? Because this block stops any future printed or email notices from being generated for that customer for holds, overdues and lost items. Any unreturned items will go into Lost status 60 days after they were due and the customer’s account will be charged accordingly. But they won't ever get a notice telling them that. 

If the customer has phone notices, they will still receive notices for holds and overdue items. But if those overdue items go to lost, they will not receive the final overdue or lost notices because those are always sent by US Mail regardless of the customer's notice setting.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

No L in Front of Lost Library Card Barcode

Do NOT put an 'L' in the front of a lost library card Barcode field. This may have been the practice at one time, but it's not any longer. Continuing to do so will negatively affect other Horizon processes.

Note: Normally, the Barcode and Barcode ID fields should always match. However in the rare case when a borrower declares their card lost, but does not want another one issued, it is okay to edit the Barcode ID field to have an L in front. This will prevent the lost card from being used as a secondary look-up point for some processes. 

Rev. 5/2018