Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Look Up Where a Payment/Waiver Was Made

Every time you take a payment or waive charges on a borrower's account, it records where that transaction occurred - including any online payments made through SmartPay. Here's how to get that information.
  1. Open the borrower's account
  2. Close the Blocks screen if it appears
  3. On the menu -- Borrower -- Payment History
  4. Enter a date in the past

  • Dept. = the name of the PC where the transaction occurred which could indicate the branch name. sjvls_ec indicates it was paid online via SmartPay. Sometimes, that name was never updated from the default on the image. So...
  • Location = Click the Display button at the bottom of the window and highlight Location which will always be the branch code (sjvls for online payments). 
  • Payment = type of transaction (payment, waiver)
  • Fee = type of fee (fine, Lost, LostPro, etc.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

In House Use Check-in Not Exempt From Fines.

In House Use Check-in
 'In House Use' Check-in mode is not exempt from fines.  Sometimes items that are checked out get mixed into other materials.  If a late item is checked-in using 'In House Use' it will charge the borrower's account.
There are two options that will help with this situation: turn on the 'Show Borrower' option (which will allow you to go to their account to waive fees) or be lenient in waiving fees when the borrower says they returned the item on time.
How to turn on 'Show Borrower':  
  1. Click on 'CKI' on the upper left corner.
  2. Click on 'Show Borrower's.   A check will appear next to it once it has been selected. 

*If a late item is checked-in and the 'Show Borrower' feature is on, a pop up window of the borrower's account will appear.  You can waive the fee from there.  

Weeding? Don't Delete Items. Change Their Status Instead.

Have an item you want to get rid of? There are procedures in place for this very situation. 
NEVER delete an item that you want removed from the catalog.  If the item needs to be removed from the catalog change the status to 'wd' (withdrawn).  
Items with the status 'wd' are deleted from Horizon once a month by Systems.  OCLC is then notified that FCPL no longer owns that copy.  They in turn update their database.  It is important to keep Horizon and OCLC in sync with each other so that other libraries looking to borrower items will have the most up to date information of our collection. This is why it is important not to delete any items yourself. 
For more information about item statuses and their definitions click this link.
For more detailed information on this procedure click this link.

New Location (Pop Up Senior Library)

You may have noticed a new location available in Horizon.  This is WoW!'s new pilot program called the Pop Up Senior Library.  This mobile branch will help serve the senior citizens in selected facilities around Fresno. It is all about ease of access. They will be able to place holds and browse a selection of books from the comfort of their facility.

Information you will need to know:
The Pilot goes live June 10th 2015
It will be a holds location although at this moment it is hidden from web users.
Items from this location WILL NOT FLOAT.
Holds slips will have the name of the facility at the top and the name of the customer underneath.
Cards will be created at the facilities by WoW! not at other branches.
The name of the facility will be in address line 1.  If you see this PLEASE do not change it.  (this is so that the facilities name will appear on the holds slip making it easier to deliver.)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Procedures for Entering New Stat Classes in Horizon Starting March 9th 2015

New Bstat Project and Procedures:

The new Borrower Statistical Class codes (bstat) will allow FCPL to be more precise and consistent with SJVLS in the collection of user statistics. It will also make assigning bstats during the creation of new accounts more straightforward.

This procedure change will only affect permanent residents, meaning those with addresses inside Fresno County. Continue existing procedures for other types of borrowers.

What to do when creating a new account:
  1. Location = The code for the branch the card is created at (frsn, fig,wdwd)

           2.  Enter the address (note the zip code this will be used in the bstat)

          3. Find and select the f + zip code in the drop sown menu of the Stat Class section.                   you can also manually enter f + zip code
             4.  Continue card creation with the normal procedures.

            If a P.O. Box is given make sure to also add their 
            resident address.  Use the resident address 
            zip code for the Bstat.

Note:  Patrons can have more than one bstat.  The WoW! team will be getting different/additional bstats soon so they can keep statistics specific to them.  Please do not delete bstats.