Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Return Slip Doesn't Look Right

Once your branch has CircIT self check a few things change in terms of procedure.  If you're checking-in an item and the return slip comes up looking "wrong" (see example), this is a reminder you need to use Horizon to check in the item - not CircIT.

Things wrong in this example: library name isn't spelled out, barcode doesn't match book and no county listed for other jurisdictions. This is not the System standard for routing slips.

The CircIT client (installed on customer CKO stations) should only be used for check-in when the customer requests a receipt. Then the item needs to be checked in again in Horizon from the workroom. This will give you the correct routing slip.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Can't Pay Fines Online with Lost Library Card Barcode

If a customer tries to log into SmartPay with a lost library card, they will get the message: User type is blocked...(and their btype). It does not specifically state the card is lost. But SmartPay does not allow them any further access. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hyperlinks on Email Notices

A customer recently asked, "Why isn't there a link to the overdue title on my email notice?" Here's why. 
  1. Overdue notices are generated within the Horizon program itself and their configuration is not very flexible.
  2. There's a very limited amount of space to add the lengthy link to ValleyCat. 
  3. They could look at the list of titles they have out, but could not renew any that are overdue. 
You might ask, "Why then do Preoverdue Notices contain a link to the general "My Account" page?" Here's why: 
  1. They are generated by a third party program that's a bit more flexible than Horizon.
  2. The link to "My Account" is much shorter. 
  3. Since the item is not yet overdue, the customer can still renew their item(s).

It would be great if we could configure email notices to be more user friendly, but that's not possible with our current system. But at least now you know the reasons.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fast Add Instructions and Exceptions

The Fast Add function allows staff to check out an item to a borrower even if that item barcode/title cannot be found in Horizon. The Fast Add function allows you to create short temporary bibliographic record. There are two Fast Add options: "Bib & Item" and "Find Bib". You should always try "Find Bib" first to see if there's an existing Bib Record already in Horizon. 

How-to Guide: Checking Out Fast Adds Doc

How-to Guide: Checking in Fast Adds Doc

How to Fast Add

1. In CKO, pull up the borrower’s record.
2. Check out the item or select Item – New Item from the menu bar. The Item Not Found screen appears as shown here.

3. Click Find Bib option first

  • Search for the title. If you find it, highlight the record. 
  • Select Show Detail button. 
  • On the Menu go to Edit - Send To then Edit: Fast:Add.
  • Fill out the remaining information as follows:
    • Location: defaults to your location
    • Collection code: FA
    • Call#: leave blank
    • Barcode of item as appropriate
    • Call Type: ddc
    • Item Type: as appropriate
4. If there is no existing Bib Record, select Bib & Item and enter the following information in the Fast Add window:
  • ISBN: as appropriate
  • Title: IN ALL CAPS
  • Location: defaults to your location
  • Collection code: FA
  • Call#: leave blank
  • Barcode of item as appropriate
  • Call Type: ddc
  • Item Type: as appropriate
5. Click OK. The item is now checked out to the borrower.

When a Fast Add Item Is Returned
When the item is returned and checked in, the following message appears:

Click Continue. The item is now checked in with the status of "In Cataloging".

Then simply fill out the Catalog Correction Form on OZ. 

Two Exceptions
There are two types of materials that are exceptions to the above Fast Add instructions:

1. Inter Library Loans: Fast Add records for interlibrary loan materials (itype = fil) are created by Central Circulation. When these materials are returned, these temporary bib and item records are automatically deleted from Horizon since the item will be returned to the lending library.
2. Government Documents: Many government documents are not cataloged. For this type of item, use the collection code of FDXEFDX – Federal or FDXESTX – State as appropriate in the Fast Add window. When these materials are returned, these temporary bib and item records are automatically deleted from Horizon. The item can simply be returned to the collection.

rev. 2/2018

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Items Stuck on the Expired Holds List

Holds that don't disappear from your expired holds list are the result of items on the hold shelf which have expired and then were checked out before being checked in. To prevent this from happening in the future, if an item on the hold shelf has expired, CHECK IT IN BEFORE YOU CHECK IT OUT to anyone.

For those items that keep showing up on the  expired holds list, but are not on the shelf - check the item in DAMAGED, then put it in TRACE status. This will keep your expired holds list current.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

End Session Button - Turning It On & Off

As part of the Horizon 7.5.2 upgrade in April 2013, you can now enable or disable the End Session button on the Checkout window. The End Session button is used when you want to open the Session Payment window after checkout if the borrower owes any fees.

To Enable/Disable the End Session Button for your PC:
  1. In Horizon, open a Checkout window.
  2. From the menu bar, select CKO. Then click the End Session menu option to make the button appear on the Checkout window. You'll see a check mark next to it. 
  3. Uncheck that menu option to make the button disappear.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Phone Numbers with Extensions

Some borrowers have a phone number with an extension. Here's the data entry rules for that situation:
  • Enter the phone number as 000-000-0000 x000  (Example: 559-123-4568 x910)
  • Because telemessaging cannot call a phone number that has an extension, set the Phone Type to one of the "no telemessaging" types

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Circulation Procedures When Horizon is Down

Here's a summary of circulation procedures for those times when Horizon is down.

What are the policies to CHECK OUT materials when Horizon is down?
  • Customers must have their library card to check out materials. No other form of ID is required.
  • 5 item limit
  • No renewals
  • Do NOT check out any non-circulating items.
What about HOLDS?
  • No new holds can be placed by customers or staff until Horizon is up.
  • No holds can be filled so you do not need to run a holds list during the down time.
  • Check out holds already on the holds shelf using the above check out standards.
  • If a hold has expired, leave it on the shelf until we come back up.
  • When we come back up, check each item on the holds shelf to see if it has expired and treat it accordingly.
Can I issue new LIBRARY CARDS during this downtime?
Continue to accept library card applications during the downtime. However, no new or replacement library cards can actually be issued during this time.* Save the completed applications in a file at the branch and input them into Horizon when we come back up. Please do not send any of these accumulated applications to Central for input. 

Do I have to CHECK OUT items using paper and pencil?
If Horizon is down for an extended period of time, it’s easier to scan the borrower’s library card number and item barcodes into a Word or Excel document than hand writing them. Then when Horizon comes back up, you can copy and paste the information into Horizon quicker and avoid problems with data entry errors and poor handwriting. Please follow the instructions at: FCPL On The Horizon: Word

Can I CHECK IN materials while we are down?
No, do NOT check in any materials until you are told by Tech Support that it is okay to begin using Horizon. No returned materials will be checked in during this time.

If I can’t CHECK IN materials, what should I do with them?
  • Date your book trucks as they are filled so you know which ones to check in first when we come back up.
  • Store the materials away from public view since you cannot allow another customer to check out a returned item they might spot behind the counter.
When can I start using Horizon for CHECK OUT and CHECK IN?
Do not begin using Horizon until your branch has been contacted by Tech Support.

What if material becomes overdue while it’s waiting to be checked in?
When we begin using Horizon, all materials should be checked in as “Exempt Fines” for a number of days. This should give us a safe margin of error and ensure our customers are not negatively impacted.

Can we continue to accept interlibrary loan requests (ILLs)?
No. We cannot add any ILLs to Horizon while it is down.

Can I accept payment of fines during the downtime?
No. We cannot accept payment of any fines. We will not be able to look at the customer’s record to calculate the total fine. Neither will we be able to clear it from their record. The online payment system will also be down because it requires the customer to enter their library card barcode.

Will notices go out while we are down?
No notices will be sent out (mail, email or phone) during the days we are down.

What do we do with the shipments we receive during the downtime?
You will not be able to check in any of these items so simply store them until we come back up.

When we come back up, does it matter if we do CKOs or CKIs first? all your CKOs FIRST. Then process your CKIs. If you fail to process items in that order, you risk the chance of checking out an item after the customer has already returned it. 

rev. 5/2018