Friday, December 30, 2011

Waive vs Change Amount

If you wish to reduce a customer's fines because they returned an item, use "waiver" rather than "change amount." It's more like saying 'they owed us that money, but we forgave the debt.' Fresno discovered problems with their Debt Collect reports when fees are changed rather than just waived.

The appropriate use for "change amount" is when the customer was actually charged the wrong amount for a lost item or a processing fee. Use this to change the amount due for an individual block, rather than completely wiping it out.

In short, waive = forgive and change amount = oops.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Floating Collection Codes

The following collection codes are currently floating. Updated 12/14/12 - kks

fabefcx - Adult, Eng Fic
fabegrx - Adult, Eng Graphic Novel
fabesfx - Adult, Eng Sci-fi
fabewex - Adult, Eng Western
fabeyyx - Adult, Eng Mystery
fabjfcx - Adult, Japanese Fic
fabjnfx - Adult, Japanese Non-fic
fabknfx - Adult, Khmer Non-fic
fabmnfx - Adult, Hmong Non-fic
fabnfcx - Adult, Korean Fic
fabnnfx - Adult, Korean Non-fic
fabpbix - Adult, Panjabi Biography
fabpfcx - Adult, Panjabi Fic
fabpnfx - Adult, Panjabi Non-fic
fabrbix - Adult, Russian Biography
fabrfcx - Adult, Russian Fic
fabrnfx - Adult, Russian Non-fic
fabsbix - Adult, Spa Biography
fabsfcx - Adult, Spa Fic
fabsgrx - Adult, Spa Graphic Novel
fabsnfx - Adult, Spa Non-fic
fabvnfx - Adult, Vietnamese Non-fic
fabwfcx - Adult, Persian Fic
fabwnfx - Adult, Persian Non-Fic
fabzfcx - Adult World Lang Print Fic
fabznfx - Adult World Lang Print NF
facxmax - Adult CD Music-sacred
facxmbx - Adult CD Music-blues
facxmcx - Adult CD Music-classical
facxmex - Adult CD Music-easy Listen
facxmfx - Adult CD Music-folk
facxmhx - Adult CD Music-R&B
facxmjx - Adult CD Music-jazz
facxmkx - Adult CD - Spoken Word
facxmlx - Adult CD Music-latin
facxmmx - Adult CD Music-musicals
facxmnx - Adult CD Music-new age
facxmpx - Adult CD Music-rap
facxmrx - Adult CD Music-Rock & Pop
facxmsx - Adult CD Music-seasonal
facxmtx - Adult CD Music-soundtrack
facxmux - Adult CD Music-country
facxmwx - Adult CD Music-world
facxmxx - Adult CD Miscellaneous
faczfox - CD Music Folio / Oversized
fadcxxx - Adult Chinese DVD
fadebix - Adult Eng DVD Biography
fadenfx - Adult Eng DVD, Non-Fic
fadexxx - Adult Eng DVD Fic
fadhxxx - Adult Hindi DVD
fadpxxx - Adult Panjabi DVD
fadsnfx - Adult Spa DVD Non Fic
fadsxxx - Adult Spa DVD Fic
fadwxxx - Adult Persian DVD
fadznfx - Adult, World Lang DVD Non Fic
fadzxxx - Adult, World Language DVD
faoebix - Adult Eng Book On CD, Biography
faoefcx - Adult Eng Book On CD, Fic
faoenfx - Adult Eng Book On CD, Non-Fic
faosfcx - Adult Spa Book on CD, Fic
faosnfx - Adult Spa Book on CD, Non-Fic
faozxxx - Adult, World Lang Audio
faqefcx - Adult Book on Media Player
fawsxxx - Adult Spa Media Kit
fcbebbx - Child, Eng Boardbk
fcbegrx - Child, Eng Graphic Novel
fcbeibx - Child, Eng IBT
fcbeicx - Child, Eng I Can Read
fcbepbx - Child, Eng Picbk
fcbsbbx - Child Spa Boardbook
fcbsbix - Child Spa Biography
fcbsfcx - Child Spa Fiction
fcbsgrx - Child, Spa Graphic Novel
fcbsibx - Child Spa IBT
fcbsicx - Child Spa I Can Read
fcbsnfx - Child Spa Non-fic
fcbspbx - Child Spa Picbk
fcbzfcx - Child World Lang Print Fic
fcbznfx - Child World Lang Print NF
fccsmxx - Child Spa CD Music
fccxmxx - Child CD Music
fcdebix - Child, Eng DVD Biography
fcdenfx - Child, Eng DVD Non Fic
fcdexxx - Child, Eng DVD Fic
fcdsxxx - Child, Spa DVD
fcdzxxx - Child, World Language DVD
fcoexxx - Child Book on CD
fcosxxx - Child Spa Book on CD
fcpeibx - Child, Eng IBT Paperback
fcqefcx - Children's Book on Media Player
fcwsxxx - Child, Spa Media Kit
fcxerax - Child Eng Read-along
fcxsrax - Child Spa Read-along
fcxxprx - Child Parent's Shelf AV
fcxxvgx - Child Video Game
febefcx - Easy Eng, Fic
fybefcx - Teen, Eng Fiction
fybegrx - Teen, Eng Graphic Novel
fybsbix - Teen, Spa Biography
fybsfcx - Teen, Spa Fiction
fybsgrx - Teen, Spa Graphic Novel
fybsnfx - Teen, Spa Non-fic
fydxnfx - Teen DVD Non Fic
fydxxxx - Teen DVD Fic
fyoexxx - Teen Books on CD
fyqefcx - Teen Book on Media Player
fyxxvgx - Teen Video Game
fzbefcx - Large Print, Eng Fic
fzbsfcx - Large Print, Spanish Fic