BTW...nothing in the borrower's registration record affects how a hold is filled - not location, btype or bstat. It's all based on 1. pickup location and 2. where hold was placed (whose catalog was used or what location Horizon was logged into to place the hold). Also see Dos and Don’ts of Changing the Hold Pickup Location.
- When a hold is placed with a Fresno pickup location, Horizon first checks to see if any Fresno items are available (checked in) to fill it.
- If there is an available Fresno copy and there is more than one copy checked in, Horizon will select the copy that has been sitting on the shelf the longest.
- If there are Fresno copies, all holds with a FCPL pick up location will be filled first before holds at other jurisdictions. That is how a Fresno customer can be #10 in the list and receive their copy before #1-#9 who have pick up locations outside of Fresno's jurisdiction.
- Note: Horizon is not so finely tuned it can select the geographically closest item to the pickup location. So don't expect Horizon to look at only metro items to fill metro pickup locations first, then go further afield to the east and west side locations. That degree of fine tuning is not possible.
- In some instances when everything else is equal, the time of day the pull list report is run can factor into which Fresno copy fills the hold.
- Also, as soon as an item is returned and checked in, it may go to fill a hold regardless of who has it showing on their pull list at that moment. That is why you may check in an item from your pull list only to discover it is not needed any longer to fill a hold.
- If there is no Fresno copy available, Horizon will look for an available copy at another jurisdiction to fill the Fresno hold.
- There are some Fresno items that will only fill holds within Fresno County: video games (FVIN) and reference (FRE). These items are not available to fill holds outside Fresno County.
- This link ( shows the loan policies by format for each SJVLS jurisdiction. This tells you what items are allowed to fill holds from one jurisdiction to another.
rev. 2/2020