Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No City/St Code in Borrower Registration

The City/St field in the borrower registration will only hold up to 7 characters - just enough for the built-in codes. It will not let you just type in the full city/state name. If the borrower's city is not listed as one of these codes:

1. Enter the City and State in Line 3 of the address (i.e. BEATRICE NE). No comma between the City and State. Why? Because that's the USPS standard for addressing mail. Other data entry rules can be found at "SJVLS Borrower Registration Data Entry Standards".

2. Enter the code SPAC in the City/St field. Why? Because this is a required field so you can't leave it blank. Entering SPAC essentially creates a blank space in the field and lets you save the record.

3. Put the zip code in the separate Postal Code field.

rev. 1/2018