Friday, May 1, 2009

Placing an Item Specific Hold

When there are many different volumes under a single title/bib#, ValleyCat will not allow the user to place a hold on a specific copy/volume. Item specific holds are not allowed through ValleyCat. Why? Imagine what would happen if we allowed this in ValleyCat? It's possible that hundreds of patrons would place a hold on one specific copy of the latest best seller title even if we had purchased 20 copies. No other copies would fill their hold except that particular barcode. You get the idea.

Item specific holds can only be placed by staff in Horizon as follows:
  1. Search for the title.
  2. Click Show Copies.
  3. Highlight the specific copy/volume.
  4. From the menu bar select Request - Make Request (or simply press F5).
  5. Bring up borrowers account.
  6. Click the box next to "This Copy Only".
  7. Select the pickup location and click Request.

rev. 1/2018