The name of the prior borrower is on the item record for 15 days after the item has been returned. That amount of time is typically the most an item might be in the shipment as it travels from one location to another. But once that time has elapsed, there's no way to tell who had it out last. We do not want to retain prior borrower info longer than that as one way to safeguard patrons' privacy in case their library records are subpeonaed.
To find prior borrower:
- F2 - Search by item barcode
- At the bib record - Show Copies
- Highlight the item - click Detail Status at the bottom of the screen.
- A new window opens. Page Down until you reach the Prior Circ Info section.
- If it's been less than 15 days since the item was returned, the borrower's name will appear here. If this section is blank, it's been more than 15 days.
rev. 4/2018