SMS Text / Notices Reference Guide
Which boxes should be checked for patrons to get which messages??
The box you check in the Notices By part of the address section of registration works together with the code type you assign to the phone number. The right choices have to be made for the correct notice to be sent...or not sent.
But the above SMS in yellow has some issues. Please read the IMPORTANT NOTE at the end of this reference sheet.
Here is an explanation of what the different phone code types will produce:
h Will get phone notice. If phone notice fails, they will get either email or print notice, depending on what is selected in the patron record. SMS is not an option (even if home number is a cell-mobile options MUST be used if SMS is desired)
h-no Will get either email or print notice, depending on which option is selected in the address section. SMS is not an option (even if home number is a cell-mobile options MUST be used if SMS is desired)
m Will get phone notice, unless SMS is selected. In that case only SMS notices will be sent. If phone notice fails, they will get either email or print notice, depending on what is selected in the address section. If patron wants text messages, choose this and make sure the types of SMS message boxes are checked.
m-no Will get either email or print notice, depending on what is selected in the address section, unless SMS is selected; in that case, only SMS notices will be sent. If patron ONLY wants text message with no other type of message if the text message is unsuccessfully sent, choose this and make sure the types of SMS message boxes are checked.
o Will get phone notice. If phone notice fails, they will get either email or print notice, depending on what is selected in the patron record. SMS is not an option.
o-no Will get either email or print notice, depending on what is selected in the address section. SMS is not an option.
IF they only want email, then choose email, not standard. Choose the appropriate “-no” phone, and do NOT check any of the SMS boxes.
If any SMS box is checked (they want a text message), a mobile phone has to be used. No other message type will be used as a backup if the SMS message fails.
3/1/22 -dh
SJVLS notes a glitch in programming with SMS notices:
“In the case of SMS Hold Notices, if in the patron record “SMS Holds” is checked, then that is the only message they will get. Because of the current SMS settings by the vendor, SMS Overdue Notices will not count as a notice sent, so they will also receive a phone/email/print notice, depending on their settings for these.”
I interpret this as: if both hold and overdue boxes are checked, only the hold notice will be sent SMS. The overdue will be sent by the other setting (email or standard).
If just OVERDUE is selected for SMS, then it will only go by text.
The glitch happens when both hold and overdue boxes are checked.
What is the easiest way to handle this discrepancy?
A straightforward way to not confuse customers is to simply ask the patron, “Would you like a text message when your hold is here?,” and just let the standard selected notice handle the overdue issue.
Other tips / Options:
- Encourage the customer to choose email notifications to lessen calls.
- Directly discuss which text a customer desires to have be priority, if they ask to have both.
- Let them know the limitations, if they ask.
- If we just select Overdue in SMS, that is the text they will get.
- For the sake of easier training, if a customer has an email address and doesn’t want calls or texts, I usually just select m-no without checking any SMS boxes.
- If the customer absolutely loves calls, doesn't want texts and refuses to provide an email, “h” is the best bet.
- Note: SMS General has nothing to do with holds or overdues. We don’t currently use this option.
3/1/22 – MH