Thursday, August 10, 2017

How much to charge if an item has no listed price

If an item does not have a cost in the record, the correct amount to charge is the average cost of items that have the same collection code.  This amount is located in the Collection Code record and can be accessed through the Table Editor in Horizon.  If you do not have access to the Table Editor, please call the Jurisdiction System Administrator in eServices to get the price.

If you have access to the Table Editor follow these steps:

  1. Double click on Table Editor to bring up the Code Lookup box.
  2.  Scroll down to the 'collection' entry, highlight it, and press enter.  
  3. The next box is called 'Indexes'. 'Collection' should be highlighted at the top of the box.  Type in the collection code for the item you are looking up (collection code can be found in the item detail status) in the 'Search for' box, press enter. 
  4. Click and highlight the entry on the next screen then press the enter button.
  5. You will see the 'Avg Replace Cost' about halfway down the screen. 
  6. Click 'Close' when done, then x out of the Table Editor.

rev. 5/2018