Thursday, August 10, 2017

How much to charge if an item has no listed price

If an item does not have a cost in the record, the correct amount to charge is the average cost of items that have the same collection code.  This amount is located in the Collection Code record and can be accessed through the Table Editor in Horizon.  If you do not have access to the Table Editor, please call the Jurisdiction System Administrator in eServices to get the price.

If you have access to the Table Editor follow these steps:

  1. Double click on Table Editor to bring up the Code Lookup box.
  2.  Scroll down to the 'collection' entry, highlight it, and press enter.  
  3. The next box is called 'Indexes'. 'Collection' should be highlighted at the top of the box.  Type in the collection code for the item you are looking up (collection code can be found in the item detail status) in the 'Search for' box, press enter. 
  4. Click and highlight the entry on the next screen then press the enter button.
  5. You will see the 'Avg Replace Cost' about halfway down the screen. 
  6. Click 'Close' when done, then x out of the Table Editor.

rev. 5/2018

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Baby cards-duplicate barcodes

There are some baby cards that have duplicate barcode numbers.  Most of these cards have been distributed to branches or to local hospitals to give to newborns.  When you try to register a new customer with a card number that has already been used you will get this error message:


If you get this message, try another card and destroy the duplicate card.

 Please remember to still use the ‘fba’ btype when issuing a card to a newborn, even if you end up giving the parent a traditional (non-baby) card. 

Addition July 2017:  Please destroy any baby cards received before  July 2017 and only use stock received after that date.

rev. July 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

Duplicate Borrower Check

There is a new feature in Horizon to help avoid making a duplicate card for the same borrower. 

This is the duplicate borrower check feature.  This feature looks at the name, birthdate and phone fields.  If the new record you are creating and an existing record match on 2 of the 3 fields, Horizon will show you the matching record(s) and give you the opportunity to check the match in more detail.  This feature is to assist in finding duplicates, not be the only method.  You will still want to check manually with a DL number and name.  The duplicate check feature doesn’t have the option to check on the DL number, so it is important you do this manually, as always.

In order for this duplicate borrower check to match, it must be an exact match on 2 of 3 parameters:

Name: the name has to match exactly (although case and punctuation are not considered).  For instance, "smith, john" and "SMITH JOHN" are a match.  "Smith, John J" and "Smith, John" are not a match
Phone: the phone number has to match on all characters, including dashes.  However, phone type isn't considered in the match
Birth Date
You will see the duplicate borrower check screen if there is a matching record after you press “save” when creating a new record.


 Again, this is an additional method of catching duplicate records, not the only one to be relied upon.

rev. 5/2018

Friday, February 17, 2017

New Access Type

When registering customers we have had 2 choices for ‘Access Type’ : filtered or unfiltered Internet.  As of today there is now a 3rd choice: No Internet.  This option should only be used when a parent or guardian requests it.

So, here are the abbreviations and associated types:

ffltr - Fresno Filtered Internet
fnoflt - Fresno Unfiltered Internet

fnoint - Fresno no Internet -NEW

Until the library card application is changed, please ask if the customer you are registering wants Internet access for the card you are creating, and use the appropriate access type.

rev. 5/2018

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Forgot PIN Feature in ValleyCat

ValleyCat now has a 'Forgot PIN' option that allows the user to reset their 4-digit PIN themselves - IF they have an email address in their Horizon account. Here's how it works.

If they don't have an email address is their Horizon account, they get this message:

If they do have an email address in their Horizon account, they'll get this message. Obviously, if the email address on their account is someone else's, out of date or has a typo, they won't receive the Reset PIN email as expected despite this onscreen message.

Note: they don't need to also have 'email notices' selected in order to get the email; just an email address. 

Click on the link in the email.
The user is automatically logged into their account once they click Reset PIN.

If they try to enter a PIN with more than 4 digits or any other type of character:

This feature is NOT available in the Enterprise catalog.

rev. 5/2018