SJVLS turned on Horizon STAFF password
complexity on February 16, 2021. It has not been on at all until now.
As of now the following complexity will be required:
Password Character length
- Minimum of eight (8)
- Maximum of 25 (25)
Minimum Uppercase letters -at least one (1)
Minimum Lowercase letters - at least one (1)
Minimum Numbers - at least one (1)
Minimum special characters - NOT required, but can be used
Maximum number of consecutive number/character repeats - two (2)
Other password changes:
- Password change is required every 180 days
- Cannot use the same password 2x in a row
- There will be a warning ten (10) days before your password expires
- You have the ability to change your own password at any time from inside Horizon (File>Change>Password)
- Account lockout will occur if you enter the wrong password five (5) times in a row you will be locked out of your account for 5 minutes
- Account will be disabled if you enter the wrong password ten (10) times in a row. You will need to call the JSA to have it re-enabled.
- If your password expires and you do not login and change it within thirty (30) days your account will automatically become disabled