Friday, April 13, 2018

My List feature in the Enterprise catalog

The My List feature in Enterprise is designed so the user can create a temporary list of titles from their search results. Users can view the list, place holds on items in the list, sort it, add or remove items from the list, move items to a different list, or email the list. However, if they want to save the list for future reference, they must first login into their account. Otherwise, the titles will only be saved to My List for that particular Enterprise session.
  • In Enterprise, click Login in the top right hand corner of the screen.
  • Enter your library card barcode & PIN#. Click the Login button.
  • Search the catalog.
  • Click the Select an Action drop down next to an item you want saved. Choose Add to My Lists. A pop up screen will appear letting you the name of the item and that it was added to Temporary List.  To search for more items, close the pop up window.
  • To review the list, click My Lists at the top right of the screen.
To save a Temporary List, follow these steps:
  • Make sure you are logged in to your account.
  • Open My Lists. Your Temporary List will be listed.  
  • Click the Select an Action drop down and choose Save Temporary List.
  • In the pop up box name your list and click Save.
  • Your saved list will appear in the left hand column with the number of items in the list in parentheses.
There are other things you may do with items in your saved lists.  These include placing holds, deleting specific items, emailing, printing, moving items from one list to another, and copying the item to another list.  These functions are all done from the Select an Action dropdown.


Video Game Hold Limits

Video game checkout and hold limits are separate from other items limits.  As of April 23, 2018 both the checkout and hold limits will be set at 5.  This means a customer may have a maximum of 5 games checked out and 5 games on hold.  If they are at their limit of games checked out, self-check will not let them check out any more; a game currently checked out would have to be returned before they could check out another.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Phone Codes in Borrower Registration

Horizon offers the following options for coding the patron's phone number in their record.

h.................. Home
h-no............ Home, No Telephone notices
m.................Mobile, with Telephone notices SMS
m-no............Mobile, No telephone notices SMS
o..................Other, with telephone notices
o-no............Other, No telephone notices

Here's a few tips on when to use what code:

> If the option doesn't say "No Telephone notices", then that option uses Telecirc to notify patrons about holds/overdues. (h, m, and o all provide the patron with Telecirc notice service.)  If SMS text messaging is enabled these notifications are via SMS (see entry "SMS text messaging" for indepth information)

> No land line, but the patron wants to receive their notices by phone? Use m - Mobile with TeleCirc allowed, do not enable SMS

> A business phone, message phone or other phone contact should use one of the o options.

rev. 1/2020

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Number of Holds Allowed

The majority of FCPL borrowers are allowed up to 30 holds (with exceptions noted below). This 30-item hold limit should not interfere with our 25-item maximum check out policy since it would be rare indeed for all 30 holds to arrive at the same time. If this does prove an issue, you can show the patron how to suspend some of their holds. See posting(s) related to "Suspend A Hold Request".

  • 0 holds allowed: FLTTR, FMR, FPAY, FSURF, FCOLL

  • 30 holds allowed: All other Fresno borrower types - including staff

Note: Cancelled and Expired Holds do not visibly show on the customer's request list. However they are still technically part of their request list and therefore count towards the overall total. If you suspect a "hidden" request in a customer's request list is preventing them from placing additional request, contact the Jurisdiction System Administrator, who will check with System Office.

rev. 1/2018